Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pacman meets ovarian cancer

more later...

...I'm very tired and weak...


  1. Tomorrow that pacman Chemo is going to munch munch munch that cancer. A weekend that was not so fun behind you and maybe a tough week, but tomorrow is a new day and I will be there all next weekend if you need me. Aunt Michelle, you have a fight in you like no one else. We all love you are are fighting along with you. We'll help do the things you need so you can get strong and fight fight fight. As Cam would say when he was very young "Love you more than all the dirt in the world". Love KJ

  2. Michelle,
    May God hold you tenderly in His arms at this time while you are tired and weak. You are an amazing example of strength and joy who endures the toughest of symptoms and treatments with grace. I pray for your Pacman Chemo to do its work effectively and for your strength to be restored to you soon.
    Sending my thoughts, my prayers, and my love to you.....
    Susan L.
